Blogging Websites That Pay You. Yes, you will earn money from home during lockdown with a blog, but you just have to make yourself acknowledge what is going on around you. You should be a literate person so you can write your thoughts your experience under Blogging or WordPress Blog.
Secondly, you have to get some knowledge about blog structure and about writing skills. I think these are just basic, not a skill that you will buy from any institution. You just have to be good with following things.
- little writing skills (you will able to express you experience and thought in writing)
- basic knowledge of internet and computer (so you will write an article on computer, Ms Word notepad skill, copy past skill image insert skill etc)
- Basic knowledge about blogging so you will be able to publish your content. (WordPress Blog, Bloggers)
- Read about article writing form example HOW TO WRITE GOOD ARTICLE | 4 techniques 😲 for effective article writing.
For running or writing a professional blog it will be great and effective if you have skills with technical procedures for blogging for example web hosting, domain names, WordPress CMS Blog Scripts etc.
Try some videos from H-Educate YT Channel this person is very honest and very good to explain blogging and other online jobs.
- E-SyedHassan
- SEO Friendly Article: How to Write SEO Friendly Article?
- Writer Jobs | How to Make Money as a Writer?
- Blogging for money | Earn Money without Investments.
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