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Powerful Passive Income Idea with Google AdSense
Today I am going to talk about “POWERFUL PASSIVE INCOME IDEA WITH GOOGLE ADSENSE” THAT ACTUALLY WORK in 2021. Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, many of us are isolated, facing LockDown situations in our countries. Today I found a simple way to start passive income to build wealth from the internet during isolated life.
After reading this article you will surely motivated to impliment this Passive Income Idea. This Step by Step guide will help you to understand the proper way toward the concept of “Eearning Online”.
The reason behind this article is to provide clean, clear, and step-by-step guidelines to make money online. Earning from Google AdSense is the best passive income idea to build wealth.
The thing is that, how the passive income idea will work for you, so let me astonished you that this passive income idea works 100 percent.
STEP-1: Uderstand Google AdSense. How Google AdSense Works?.
A service by Google with which publishers display ads on their websites and when visitors of that particular site view or click on displayed ads publisher makes more money. This is the real Passive Earning from Google AdSense because you done your job but still earning.
In practical terms, if you have a site then you will be a publisher and you can publish ads, generated by Google AdSense on your website and start passive income from CPC and CRM Methods.
What is Google AdSense CPC and CPM.
- CPC: Cost Per Click is an average income of clicks your visitors make on ads published on you website.
- CPM: Cost Per Mille normally famous and known as Cost Per Thousand Impressions, it means that when an ad unit complete 1000 page impression you will earn passive income from google adsense.
STEP-2: Understand the Google AdSense Monetization concept.
Monetization means that Google AdSense allows the publishers to register the site with google and get the code for AdSense to display the relevant Ads on site.
To act as a Publisher you have to create a website or you have to hire someone who will create a website for you. Google AdSense allows the following 3 types of websites to be Monetized.
- A Blog Site: Personal Blog by an individual to write articles on specific topics. Read Blogging for Money for more infromation.
- A Discussion Forum: visitors will discuss different topics after registration on regular basis.
- Free Online Tools Site: Site provides different type of tools like IMAGE RESIZER, SEO TOOLS, KEYWORD RESERCH TOOLS etc.
STEP-3: Time to Start with Blog Site and Make Money.
In the previous step, we came to know that 3 types of websites can be created to Make Money. We have to choose one from them before we go to the next step.
For a Powerful Passive Income idea, I suggest you start with a blog website with the help of a WordPress free blogging platform.
STEP-4: How you decide “Niche” for your blog to impliment this Powerful Passive Income Idea with Google.
Your favorite topic to write on is a Niche. An easy and happy environment for you in your profession. If you want to decide Niche for your blog sit back and think about your favorite topic most of the time you talk about or you have strong knowledge about.

7 Highly Paid Niche to use in this Powerful Passive Income Idea with Google AdSense.
- Make Money Online
- Health and Fitness
- Waight Loss Tips and Tricks
- Dating and Relationship (Online Dating)
- Email Markiting
- Pets
- Cooking Recipies
STEP-5: Buy a Domain & Hosting to start your Blog Today:
To start your own blog you have to buy a domain name and hosting. Domain Name must be Simple, Attractive & related to your blog content. As an example, if your blog niche is about mobile Phones you have to try to decide and purchase the domain name “Cheap Mobiles”, “MobileTips” or “Mobile Tech”, etc.
What is Hosting or a Web Hosting:
Hosting or web hosting is an Internet Service, used by individuals or organizations to make web pages live and accessible through internet protocols. In simple words, Web Hosting means online file storage can be accessed through the internet to display web pages.
What is Domain Name or a Website Name Registration:
Domain Names are text-based labels, humans can be able to memories, for instance, GOOGLE.com, SyedHassan.online, BlinkingLinks.com.
Each Domain Name should be Unique having an IP Address pointing to the Web Hosting to access through the internet.
Tips to Choose Best Domain Name:
- Try to Mange and Buy DOT COM Domains.
- Use Keywords in your Domain Name (You may use H-Supertools by H-Educate to get keywords).
- Avoid Hyphens (-) in domain Name.
- Choose Shortest and Simple Name.
- Make it easy to spell and pronunciation.
- Use Papular Domain Name Registration Services.
- Follow Domain Name Examples.
- Serch for Best Domain Name Lists over the internet to get idea.
- Business Name Generators will also help you to choose catchy names for websites.
Types of Web Hosting Services
There are many different types of web hosting services so newbies are still confused to choose from so I decided to mention these types just for your information.
If you want to read more about every single type you might search Type of WebHosting, Best Hosting Type for Blogging in 2021. Following are some main types of web hosting.
- Shared Web Hosting Services.
- Cloud Web Hosting Services.
- Virtual Private Servers (VPS).
- Self Services Web Hosting.
- Managed Web Hosting Services for WordPress or other Content Management Systems.
Tips to Choose Best Hosting Providers for you Blog Website:
Because our main motive is to host a blog therefore we have to choose a web hosting service for the blog or the Best Web Hosting service for a Small business.
If you are going to buy the best web hosting for a blog you have to keep the following tips in your mind.
- 99.9 Percent Up Time.
- Alternate Power Backup.
- Includes CPenal to manage services.
- Backup Options.
- 24/7 Customer Supports.
- Web Based Email Services for Email Marketing and Corispondence
- Performance and Loadtime.
- Best Responce Time.
Best Blog Hosting Providers:
Bluehost: Provides Best WordPress Blog Hosting for Beginners with DESIGN FREEDOM, WORDPRESS BASED BUILDER, FREE DOMAIN NAME FOR 1 YEAR, and with 24/7 Customer Support.
Hostgator: Hostgator Managed WordPress Hosting provides Best Stater Hosting Packages include 1 WordPress Site, 100K Visitor Per Month, 1GB Data Backup, and much more.
Dreamhost: Dreamhost Shared WP Hosting is an affordable web hosting (WordPress Starter and WordPress Unlimited) for WordPress Blog that came with WordPress Site Builder, Pre Installed WordPress, and many other features.
If you are worred about STEP-5 dont worry contact with me for cheap domain name, Cheap Web Hosting and blog site development.

STEP-6: Your First Blog Post.
If you are done with all the above steps you are ready to publish your first post on your blog. This is the time when you are potting a seed that grows up and turned into a green tree. You must have to write unique and readers catching articles on your niche.
Effictive Tips to increase article writing skills.
- If you are a good reader then you are a good writer also.
- Be simple and clear with your writings.
- Start with mind catching lines.
- Try to conclude the main idea of your article at the start.
- Complete you writting in stages so the readers will understand the objectives part to part.
- Write short paragraphs.
- Be focused on the objective you are going to explain in your writtings.
- Try to understand you readers.
Techniques For Effective Article Writing.
To answer all the questions that “How to Write an Articles”, “Article Writing Tips”, “Effective Tips to Write Good Article”, “Earning with Article Write” and many more like these you must read this post. “4 Techniques for Effective Article Writing“.
How to Write SEO Friendly Article to impliment Powerful Passive Income Idea with Google.
SEO Stand for Search Engine Optimization with the help of SEO Friendly article writing you are actually trying to getting Organic Trafic from Search Engines to know about the organic traffic and its effects on your article READ THIS:- 100% ORGANIC TRAFFIC | EARN MORE MONEY.
To make your article SEO Friendly you have to select Focus Keypharases to target the readers. Keyword Search is very important before you start your topic. Keyword Research will help you to find the words used by people in the search engine and to understand what the people are searching for to read more about SEO Friendly Article Writing refer to this article for SEO FRIENDLY ARTICLE WRITING. SEO FRIENDLY article generates organic traffic for your blog with specified keywords.
The more you traffic your blog, More you Earn
Alternate Ways | Make Money as a Writer in 2021.
There are many other ways to start Passive Income to make wealth but article writing is better than others. If you want to know about other ways to make Money Online please read this article How to Make Money as a Writer?