Yes as per today’s article topic I am going to write about the Reopening of Schools (Reopening of Public Schools) in Punjab, Pakistan, and about the Classroom Simulation Published by New York Times.
BTW…if you remember miG 21 Crash in Pakistan and collected along with Abhi Nandan “,)
Table of Contents
Reopening of Schools in the Punjab |Shafqat Mehmood Just Announced the Reopening of Schools in the Punjab
Federal Education Minister announced the reopening of school with 100% of students and staff. This news is getting mixed reaction from students and teachers and also from parents.
New York Times |A Simulation For Safe Reopening Of Public Schools
With reference to the article published by “The New York Times” has the title of “Why Opening Windows is a key to reopening Schools” by Nick Bartzokas, Mika Grondahl, Karthik Patanjali, Miles Peyton, Bedel Saget, and Umi Sym on Feb. 26, 2021.
Safe Reopening of Schools in Punjab.
In Pakistan especially in the province of Punjab, the SED Punjab (School Education Department) decided to allow all the students to attend the school from March.1st,2021.
As we all know that 50% of staff and students were allowed due to Covid-19 pandemic year. And Staff was also only allowed 50 % in offices and in schools, other 50 percent was directed to work from home.
While I was reading the above-referred article, I was thinking about our government and other responsible persons also who are responsible to educate the population of Pakistan at any cast but with safety.
I, being a citizen of Pakistan unsatisfied with this government. Imran Khan and PTI is still confused and behaving like kids.
Ok leave it… let me come to the article I was reading in relation to safe reopening of educational institutions.
Why Opening windows is a key to reopening schools
In above referred article is about reopening of schools when C.D.C is urging communities to reopen schools as quickly as possible, but parents, teachers and administrations also thinking on one single question about the quality of safety and ventilation available in public school classrooms to protect against the coronavirus.
The workers worked with a leading engineering firm and also experts, specialized in building system to better understanding the simple steps school can take to reduce exposure in the classroom.
To step into the classroom New York Times published the simulation using a three-dimensional model of a public school classroom situated in New York City.
With specific inputs for the size of the room and the number of students teachers and their locations in the room along with other factors. 800,000 points of data were sampled from this simulation of airflow. The data was streams and horizontal visualized.
There are number of scenario to explain the effects of opening windows, air cleaner and air blowing fan.
Typical classroom pre-pandemic from the pre-covid era with about 30 students is taken for simulation. The scene is based on a real public school in New York City.
New York City has strict directions and protocols for reopening of schools and the transmission of the Covid 19 Virus is very low. Students are well known and practice social distancing and wear masks. Also, a classroom must have windows that open.
The Simulation Classroom
The simulation classroom seats only nine students. All the students are wearing typical cloth face masks, and sitting facing forward approximately sitting distance is six feet.
Different Scenarios of Simulation
- Window Closed Scenario.
- Window Open Scenario.
- Fan and Air Cleaner Scenario
- Step inside a classroom with augmented reality to see contaminants spread
The “Why Opening Windows is a key for reopening of public schools” simulation is totally based on real data from the public schools of New York City so we have to visit this simulation and follow the direction for the safe reopening of our public schools in Pakistan.
This simulation is dynamic and published publically so we have to get step into a classroom of a public school in New York City for better understanding.
We have to take serious measures for safety of over students and teacher.
- The New York Times
- Why Opening Windows is a key for reopening of public schools
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