Introduction to “sedhr punjab“
The word Sedhr is actually an abbreviation of “Schools Education Department” and the other two words which are also mentioned with sed as sedhr actually stands for “Human Resource” so in short if someone is searching for sedhr he or she actually wants to go to the website of the sedhr Punjab gov pk the site of schools education department human resource.

Government Teachers and SEDHRMS Punjab.
SEDHRMS Punjab is a web portal to manage all the basic and necessary data which contains the most common and important information of teachers of Punjab Pakistan. this web-based application sedhr is developed by the Punjab Information Technology Board, Lahore (PITB) to manage Human Resources of SED Punjab (Schools Education Department) Punjab.
Working Modules of SEDHRMS Punjab
as we all know that with the direction of the minister of education Dr. Murad Raas the PITB is working on this project and day by day this project is going more informative and developed. a number of basics modules were already introduced in this sedhr Punjab login.
- Profile: SED HR Punjab Profile Module contains all the personal information related to the public school teacher for example Name, CNIC Number, FBR NTN Number, Landline Number, Mobile Number, Personal Pay Number, Spouse Information,
- C-Leave Online: SED HR Punjab Gov Pk prepared module for Leave Account Maintenance for Public School Teachers of Punjab. The teacher will apply for C Leave Through Online SED HR Punjab Portel and the Head of the Institution will be further approved or reject accordingly.
- E-Retirement: SED HR Punjab Gov Pk prepared a module for E-Retirement along with Pension Pay Order. Click -> “How to Apply E-Retirement“
- E- PERs (Online ACRs): SED HR Punjab prepared a module for online PERs/ ACRs for public school teacher. Punjab Public School Teacher will Submitt Performance Evaluation Report PERs / ACRs through SED Hr Punjab Portel.
- SEDHR Punjab login
- SED PUNJAB – Punjab Schools Education Department
- Schools Information System (SED Punjab)
visit the official site of sedhr Punjab for login. there are a number of login types if you are a teacher select teaching staff type from the login combo box. if you are working as DEO Dy DEO then chose supervisor type of login to proceed further.
Yes, you are allowed to change the data if your profile ICP Chart is not verified. these changes can be done by the Head of the Institution from personal login where all the staff is listed.
If you want to submit a leave application visit sedhr Punjab website or login into your SIS Application and then click on detail profile. this will redirect you on sedhr profile then click on leave and select the required dates from and to explain you leave period
if your services are more than 24 years you have an option for said application otherwise you are not allowed to apply for retirement. sedhr system will automatically send a text message to the registered mobile number of teaching staff.
dear, reply me, how i can, edit my verified ICp chart on hrms.
EDIT Option is not provided yet by the PITB so you have to wait for …