A driving license is an official document. Do you have your own Driving License? if not then you have to know DLIMS PUNJAB: How to Apply for a Driving License online (2022). This official document can be issued from the authorized government department to the authorized person who meets all the notified criteria to get the documents.
In the Punjab, Pakistan this document is an authorization from the DLIMS PUNJAB | DLIMS PUNJAB GOV PK government to drive a different type of motor vehicle. There are different types of Driving licenses for different types of motor vehicles.
Table of Contents
Get the relevant form visit the relevant office submit your form along with the required documents and wait for the test day. After passing your test you have to submit the license fee to the national bank or through other specified official methods. Visit the official website to track you license or read this DLIMS PUNJAB: How to Track Driving License in Punjab, Pakistan
Step 1: Understand the Requirement for Driving License.
- Age for Motor Cycle/ Motor Car must be 18 Years.
- Age for LTV type driving license to drive Rikshaw, Taxi, Tractor and other Commercial vahicles must be 21 Years.
- A copy of Valid CNIC (Attested by the Gazzated Officer BS-16 or above).
- Medical Certificate Form filled and signed by Authorized Medical Practitioner.
- Driving License Application Form (Form-A) within FileCover.
- Original Learner Permit of at least 6 weeks.
- 3 Passport size fresh Photo Graphs (Attested by Gazzitted Officer BS-16 or above).
- Paste a Ticket of Mentioned Fee on License Document.
- Slip to deposit Rs. 100 in a bank (National Bank of Pakistan).
Step 2: Download Driving Licence Form to apply online.
To download driving license forms online in soft copy you have to visit the official website of dlims punjab for download the required forms. There are different types of form used to apply different types of license to read more about all the types of the dirivng license visit DLIMS PUNJAB | DLIMS PUNJAB GOV PK
There are 6 types of the driving license form available online you have to chose the right one according to the requirements speciifed by the dlims system to apply online for diriving license. To Apply for a Driving License online (2022) you have to download Form-A and Form-B for regular application and file up these forms along with other mentioned required documents. Orther forms are used for other type of license.
- Donwload Form-A for Regular License application.
- Download Form-B for Medicale Certifiate (also used for regular license)
- Download Form-E for Renewal of Expired Driving Licese.
- Download LLD Form for issuance of duplicate license.
- Download International Driving form to applay driving license valid internationally.
- Donwload Form-D to Add more driving class or classes to drive on the already issued license (Used with Form-A)
Step 3: Apply for Learner License before applying driving license online.
Before you apply for driving license you have to apply the Learner License. Learner Permits are issued on daily basis by the Traffic regulation authors due to the validity and expiry of each learner within 6 months.
A learner permit is a permit for driving a car without a license. After the issuance of the Learner Permit, the applicant is allowed to appear in Written and Physical Driving tests.
Having a Learner Permit means that the holder of the learner permit is in the learning process and applied for a permanent driving license. Read how to apply for learning driving license in pakistan before you apply for regular driving license.
NOTE: Get a Code Book of Traffic Rules & Regulation from Traffic Police Office.
Step 4: Visit the Nearest License Centers
After completeion of all the required documents and submittion or requred government feeses for driving license you have to visit the nearest license center in your district. These license centers are specificly working to issue all type of driving license through Dlims online driving licese systems.
The representative will help you to get all the relevent doucments and submittions. After that you have to pass the online driving license on the day speicified for test. This test is based on the book you purchased from driving license office during your learner license. The minimum 80 marks required to pass the written driving teast out of hundrad.
After passing the online MCQ type Test you have to pass the physically driving test. after passing the physicall driving test you have to visit the license center to submitted the final fees for printing and issuance of your driving license. Driving license will be valid uptill five years from the date of issues and must be renewed after its expiry.
We discussed almost all the basic steps about DLIMS PUNJAB: How to Apply for a Driving License online (2022). All steps are very simple and pricticle need to perform physically to get the driving license. Form related to the driving licese are discussed and direct download links are provided form all the relevent form so you can download driving license apllication form soft copy.
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