Are you looking for DLIMS PUNJAB | How to Track Driving License in Punjab, Pakistan then you are in the right place, DLIMS PUNJAB is the official website of the Driving License Information System of the Government of the Punjab, Pakistan. This website has many facilities for the citizens of Punjab Pakistan.
Those Pakistani Awam who need to get a driving license or want to renew their expired driving license for more information you may read DLIMS PUNJAB | DLIMS PUNJAB GOV PK.
DLIMS PUNJAB | How to Track Driving License in Punjab, Pakistan
Today I am going to talk about the tracking of your driving license (dlims tracking licence punjab) in Punjab Pakistan. With the help of this article, you will come to know how you can track your driving license in Pakistan Punjab with the help of the online tracking system provided by the DLIMS PUNJAB.
Check Driving License Punjab Pakistan.
A Driving License is an official document. This document is an authorization from the DLIMS PUNJAB | DLIMS PUNJAB GOV PK government to drive a different type of motor vehicle. There are different types of Driving licenses for different types of motor vehicles.
If you applied for your Driving License and got the driving license test passed then you have to wait for the printing and delivery of your DLIMS Punjab Driving license for Punjab Pakistan. You may also read How to Apply for a Driving License online to get your driving license in Punjab Pakistan.
To track your driving license or to know how to track your driving license you have to follow the following three steps and retrieve all the information about your license processing. This tracking service will help you to know the current status of your motorcar or motorcycle or LTV driving license.
Tracking Delivery of Driving License | track

This Online Driving License Tracking system will provide the basic information about your license to help you to track your driving license for example driving license issuance date, Name of License Holder, Expiry date, Date or Delivery of Driving License, and also the current status of your driving licenses like in printing or ready to dispatch or some time delivered, etc.
The following number bullets will help you to track your driving license with the help you the tracking system.
- Visit the official website of DLIMS Punjab track for Track Driving License in Punjab Pakistan
- Enter valid CNIC Numbers without a dash in the form for driving license tracking. This CNIC number must be of the person applying for a driving license and passed the Driving License Test.
- After you entered the CNIC Number mentioned on CNIC Card issued by the NADRA Department Pakistan press the track button.
- The tracking system will reflect all the information open and available for you to track the status of your license delivery.
This DLIMS PUNJAB TRACKING service is also used by police stations and by the traffic police constables who are in the fields for smooth online driving and to ensure road safety.
These police constables are using the DLIMS PUNJAB | How to Track Driving License in Punjab, Pakistan Track services through special access provided by DLIMS for reflection of driving license verification and data.
LTV Licence check online provide the access to check and verify the LTV License. License holders can check their information about LTV License through this service. This LTV LICENCE CHECK ONLINE is also being used by Khidmat Markaz in Punjab.
Visit the official website of DLIMS Punjab track for Track Driving License in Punjab Pakistan
Enter valid CNIC Numbers without a dash in the form for driving license tracking. This CNIC number must be of the person 0d the Driving License Test.
After you entered the CNIC Number mentioned on CNIC Card issued by the NADRA Department Pakistan press the track button.
The tracking system will reflect all the information open and available for you to track the status of your license delivery.
Visit the official website of DLIMS Punjab track
Enter valid CNIC Numbers without a dash in the form for driving license tracking.
press the track button.
Visit the official website of DLIMS Punjab track
Enter valid CNIC Numbers without a dash in the form for driving license tracking.
Press the track button.
With how many days driving license will printed out I have a 28 days to passed driving test from bhawalpur but still show a license is on printing seen
1.5 months almost, thnkx for your time and comment