A true story of Masjid School converted into the Mainstream School with the help of community participation.
Government Boys Primary School, Dhoke Roshan Deen (GBPS Dhoke Roshan Din, Gulistan Colony Rawalpindi PMIU) was runny in a Masjid and was known as Masjid School.
Table of Contents
Introduction by E-SyedHassan
This case study was submitted by our respected Muhammad Akram Zia, District Education Officer (SE), Attock and Supervised by DR. MISBAH MALIK during Promotion Link Training conducted by QAED Academy (QUAID -E-AZAM ACADEMY OF EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT WAHDAT COLONY LAHORE.) ,Wahdat Colony, Wahdat Road Punjab Lahore.
The main reason to share this story with internet it that the community participation and the unity will made every thing possible. successful communities are always depended on community participation.
This is a true story of a school and this will explain the correct meaning of Mainstream School and also the effects of donations and community participation.
Government Boys Primary School
Dhoke Roshan Deen, Gulistan Colony
District Education Officer (SE), District Attock
This particular case study is aimed at to highlight the importance of community participation for establishment of a new school building functional in a mosque since 1980 for mainstreaming.
Prevention of dropout of children of primary level of the area having poor background was the key problem provision of conducive learning environment was also an issue.
Increased participatory role of community for education purpose was the need of time.
Community mobilization and donations for provision and facilitation of imparting quality education resulted into mainstreaming of GBPS Dhoke Roshan Deen, Gulistan Colony Rawalpindi, functional in its own newly constructed building since September 9th, 2017.
The in hand case study is about the real story of Government Boys Primary School Dhok Roshan Deen, Gulistan Colony, Rawalpindi. Established and remained functional in old building of a Jamia Masjid Shams from 1980-2017.
Masjid Committee allocated two rooms and a hall on first floor for educational activities. Though rooms allocated for the purpose were not sufficient but school remained functional with six classes in these three rooms having boys and girls enrolment of 107 students from Nursery to Class 5th.
Staff deputed by School Education Department Rawalpindi for this school consisted on four teachers out of which two teachers were male and other two were female.
Although teaching learning process remained continued there for 37 years but without any proper learning environment and school was also facing scarcity of resources.
Masjid Committee in 2016 decided to vacate the allocated rooms of Jamia Masjid Shams from GPS Dhoke Roshan Din, Gulistan Colony Rawalpindi.
The situation become very critical as there was no other institution in the area to facilitate these 107 students enrolled in the school.
A fatal chance of dropout of these students appeared because there was no other school in public sector in the vicinity in which the school has to be merged.
The author of this report was serving as District Education officer (EE-M) District Rawalpindi remained involved in whole the process for community mobilization, consultation and provision of land for school along with Deputy DEO (EE-M), Rawalpindi and AEO of the Markaz in which school situated.
For in hand case study, data collection was made through personal contacts with staff and School Education Department District Rawalpindi. Direct interaction with school council members and Community particularly donors who participated through bank account or provided raw material for construction of school building.
Available Archives (record) were also consulted for preparation of in hand research report.
Teaching learning process remained continued there for 37 years and after Masjid Committee decided to vacate the allocated rooms for school. School Staff & School Council Members approached the Community of area to highlight the issue and efforts were started for donations.
Staff members and SC decided to purchase land for construction of school building in the same locality through community participation. School Education Department District Rawalpindi was also consulted for purchase of land but due to non availability of funds it could not be possible further, a school can be established only if the community of the area donates land for construction of building, which is pre-requisite of establishment of school in public sector.
In 2016 Head Teacher Mr. Shakeel Ahmed Tabani started efforts for purchase of land for school after that present Head Teacher Mst. Khalida Shaheen discussed the matter with her in laws. Her father-in-law Ch. Nemat Ali (Late) encouraged her and decided to take necessary steps for provision of land for the purpose.
Matter was discussed with the owner of a located plot Haji Khalid Butt having area 8.5 Marlas. He very generously agreed to sale out the plot for school building. The value of plot was 4.5 Million which is for less the actual value of the plots in the area. He also contributed by donating a portion of plot. The land was mutated in the name of Government of the Punjab School Education Department.
The matter that looked impossible now began to turn in reality, after purchase of land a philanthropist of the area Mr. Ashgar also donated a considerable amount to start the construction of building. A formal committee was constituted and an account with the bank maintained for donations.
It is worth mentioning that teachers and there relatives donated a very sizeable amount in this account. Many notables of the area contributed in the shape of raw material.
Muhammad Waqas (PST) of the same school prepared the map of the building duly approved form relevant office. Officers of School Education Department Mr. Malik Muhammad Akhtar AEO, Mr. Amjad Mehmood, Dy DEO and Muhammad Akram Zia, District Education officer (EE-M), Rawalpindi not only convened meetings with school council and notables of the locality but also contributed in the shape of consultation and guidance.
Security Guard Muhammad Abbas also play very important role during the construction of building by working as a labor without any wages.
Construction of building of ground floot having 5 class rooms, 4 washrooms (2 for Girls & 2 for Boys), an office for the head teacher was completed in September 2017 costing Rs. 4.5 Millions.
The then CEO DEA Mr. Qazi Zahoor ul Haq visited the school and at the proposal of DEO (EE-M) Muhammad Akram Zia he decided to get the newly constructed building inaugurated by worthy Secretary School Education Department, Government of the Punjab Mr. Allah Bakhsh Malik and the inauguration ceremony took place on September 09, 2017. by worthy Secretary School Education Department inaugurated the school.
The occasion was not only honored by Worthy Secretary School Education Department but also philanthropist of the area who contributed for the establishment of a mainstream school in the public sector were also embraced the occasion.
Secretary School Education Department visited class rooms and assessed students he appreciated the participatory role of teachers and students in teaching learning process keeping in view the projected increase of enrollment and for enhancement of the quality education he very graciously sanction two more posts of teaching staff and one post of ministerial staff.
The school when shifted into new building of its own, enrollment increased rapidly and it became 249 (nursery to 5th class) from 107 within days. School was decorated with learning materials by the teachers to make the environment child friendly. An Early Childhood Education (ECE) room was also established and teaching learning activities begin to take place in a very conducive environment.
The school that was once facing the fatal threat of 100 % dropout now becomes attraction for the locality and people willingly began to enroll their children for getting better and quality education in a child friendly environment. Enrollment increased and once again Mr. Ashgar a noteable of the community decided to purchase adjacent plot for inclusion in school but the owner refused to sellout his plot.
Ultimately School Council in consultation with elite of the area decided the construction of First Floor in the same building. Construction started with the contribution of the community and notables of the area and completed in 2018 having 3 more rooms, 4 washrooms costing Rs. 3.0 Millions.
That was another milestone achievement which could not be possible without generous contribution of the community.
Government Boys Primary School Dhoke Roshan Deen Gulistan Colony, Rawalpindi not only imparting quality education in a child friendly environment but also contributing for provision of complete uniform including shoes to needy students through community.
Provision of lunch by Capt. Nisar Ahmed (R) in collaboration with Head Teacher Mrs. Khalida Shaheen on daily basis to all the students in a much honored and respectable manners is a unique phenomena of this school.
Chief Minister of the Punjab decided to award “Star Teacher Award” about 500 best performing teachers of the province of the Punjab. Considering their performance in SSC examinations conducted by all BISEs of the Punjab.
Award ceremony conducted on 5th of October 2018 and Mrs. Khalida Shaheen Head Teacher was also in the list that are going to be awarded Star Teachers. She was the only one who was awarded “Star Teacher” for her contribution for community mobilization and participation.
School Education Department Rawalpindi also held ceremonies in her hounar and awarded her and other staff of school appreciation certificates. Media, Print and Electronic also highlighted achievements of the school in very praising manners.
The success story of GBPS Dhoke Roshan Deen, Gulistan Colony Rawalpindi is a unique example of mobilization and support of community. Through, community participation different stakeholders attempted together for solution of a problem and decision making.
Mainstreaming of school could not be possible without mobilization and participation of community. Enhancement of quality education and provision of conducive learning environment made only be possible through teachers, students and parent’s active participation.
- A school can actualize its mission statement by inclusion of community.
- Through participatory role of community school can achieve targets upto optimum level.
- Scarcity of resources can easily be met through community sharing.
- Mobilization pattern used by the staff and SC can be applied by other needy schools in public sector.
Opening Ceremony Provision of Lunch Provision of Lunch Provision of Uniform Provision of Lunch Media Participation
- Mainstream School Meaning.
- community participation in primary health care.
- community participation in development.
- qaed academy islamabad.
- www.qaed.edu.pk login.
- www qaed edu pk portal.
- qaed master trainer jobs 2020.
- community participation examples.
- Masjid.
- Community Participation.
- Mainstream School.
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