SIS Punjab gov pk dashboard announced E Transfer | SIS Punjab E Transfer 2022 for public school teachers in Punjab. The current E Transfer round is announced for special categories for example “On Disposal”, “Promoted Teachers”, “Wedlock E Transfer” under the E Transfer Policy 2021-2022 | E Transfer Punjab.
As per the letter issued by the office of the Director Public Instruction (EE) Punjab, Lahore vide No. P.A/ Dir(A&G) 1217 Director of Public Instruction (EE) Punjab Lahore dated 07/03/2022 on the subject “Opening of E-Transfer for Teacher in School Education Department Punjab”.
Latest Announcement of E Transfer in Punjab 2022
Apropos to the subject the focal person Mr. Rana Abdul Qayyum Khan, Focal Person (SIS/HRIMS-SED)/ Director Public Instruction (EE) Punjab, Lahore wrote this letter to all the Chief Executive Officers (District Education Authority) in Punjab in which he said that:-
Competent Authority has approved the opening of e transfer for adjustment on Promotion, Transfer on Compassionate Grounds i.e. Divorce, Widow, Wedlock, Disable, Mutual and on disposal Teachers etc. The Schedule will be followed as under:
Description | Teacher/ Officers will apply from | Verification will be made from | Orders will be issued on |
E transfer on Divorce grounds. E transfer on widow grounds. E transfer for Disable teachers. Mutual Transfer for public school teachers. Transfer Adjustment of Promoted teachers. Transfer Adjustment of Disposal Teachers and Surplus Teachers. | 14th March 2022 to 25th March 2022 | 28th March 2022 to 08th April 2022 | 12th April 2022 |
The Copy of this letter is forwarded to the following offices for information and necessary action:-
- To The PS to Minister for School Education Department
- To PS to Secretary School Education Department, Govt of the Punjab.
- To The PS to Special Secretary (Operations) Schools Education Department.
- To Mr. Sajjad Qureshi, Joint Director PITB, Arta Karim Tower, Lahore.
How to Apply for E Transfer
The applicant has to install sis app latest version on his or her mobile. SIS App is available on the google play store. The latest version of the SIS App is 5.5.0.
In the current SIS Punjab Transfer 2022 specified categories will be entertained by the SED Punjab E Transfer therefore you should read the E Transfer Policy 2021-2022 | E Transfer Punjab. This E Transfer policy will explain all the categories.
In case of any issues related to SIS App or E Transfer 2022 you might contact your concern CEO Office for information and resolution.