HRMS login is developed for public school teachers. personal hrms login is used by public school teachers to submit leave applications, retirement applications 2022, online PERs 2021-2022.

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https // Login
There are a few types of accounts for login into the sed hr each account is developed for separate and related to the type functions I am going to explain the account of teaching staff that how the teacher will apply for causal leave, earned leave, eol leave, haj leave, umrah leave, medical leave, and iddat leave etc.
HRMS LOGIN for Teaching Staff: leave HRMS Login for Teachers can be used by the teaching staff for Leave Applications, Add PERs, Retirement Applications, Edit Update SED HR ICP Chart, Pension Application, PERs countersigning, Documents, and Files view, etc.
HRMS LOGIN for Non-Teaching Staff:
Non Teaching login account in SED HR Punjab LOGIN is currently only for view ICP Chart. This ICP chart is reflecting the basic data of Non Teaching staff for example C-IV, Clerk, and other ministerial staff.
HRMS LOGIN for Supervisory Staff:
This account is created for Supervisory Staff ( AEOs, Dy.DEOs, DEOs, and CEOs) for further proceedings with online leave applications (Rejection/ Approval/ Forwarding). For the countersigning of E-PERs in SED HR Punjab Login. For approval/ rejection/ forwarding of retirement (Punjab E Retirement SED HR Application Online) also for pension sanction etc.
This account type is only for PITB users who developed the sedhr Punjab login system, APO is also using this account for debugging and data validations etc. APO stands for Assistant Program Officer. these APOs are currently working in every district of Punjab under the CEO offices for smooth implementation of SED HR PUNJAB Portal.
HRMS LOGIN for Department Staff:
used by departmental staff at the secretary’s office level for approval of leave applications or retirement requests for employees having BS-18 or above.
HRMS LOGIN for File Management:
The scanning team who was deployed for the documents scanning purpose of every single public school teacher in the Punjab Pakistan, with the help of this sed hr file management login account the scanning teams are only allowed to upload the scanned documents (Professional, Personal and Educational Documents) also PERs of last 5 years and the hole PERs of under promotion teachers.
This account is created for Qaed Academy Lahore.
E & D department can login with this account to proceed further with Audit Paras and Audit Objections during the retirement process of gazetted officers
This account is used for scanning and uploading of PERs files of each public school teacher.
AG Office:
This account is for Accounted General of Punjab to implementation of pension applications of retired teaching staff
DG Office:
This account is also used for pension cases of teachers.
visit the official site of SEDHR.PUNJAB.GOV.PK HRMS LOGIN. there are a number of login types if you are a teacher select teaching staff type from the login combo box. if you are working as DEO Dy DEO then chose the supervisor type of login to proceed further.
Yes, you are allowed to change the data if your profile ICP Chart is not verified. these changes can be done by the Head of the Institution from personal login where all the staff is listed.
If you want to submit a leave application visit sedhr Punjab website or login into your SIS Application and then click on detail profile. this will redirect you to sedhr profile then click on leave and select the required dates from and to explain your leave period. read step by step guide SEDHR Punjab Gov Pk | How to Apply for Leave
Each Teacher is provided with personal login & password on SIS (School Information Management System) to manage his e-retirement through the personal profile page or also with the website link. read step by step guide on How to apply online for Retirement from
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